Friday, March 8, 2013

Hint hint! Owning more horses coming soon!

I don't know if most of you read a interview between SSO and some gaming company thing. But SSO said that in early 2013, we will be able to have more than one horse and Jorvik Stables and Dino Valley will be coming soon. Well, this week's update relieved some interesting things; owning more than one horse is coming sooner than we all thought. And there are some things to prove it.

The first major thing everyone notice was a stable at Marley's Farm. Marley's has never had a stable there. Just a jumping arena, barrel racing arena, a shop, and couple buildings for decorations. This stable looks different from the regular home stables. It's roof doesn't really extend out like the rest. And even more interesting, I found one in/near each village, except Moorland. The also all looked the same. We believe that at these stables is where horses will be sold.

Second thing everyone noticed was a thingy that appeared above your horses head while you were mounted off. It just shows the horse's level and XP, its needs (food, water, hoof picking, or grooming), and how happy it is (the smiley face). I'm not too wild about it. Honestly, I think it's ugly. But from what SSO said, they are just trying out small things like this in preparation for owning more horses.

The third thing was that you were able to buy the horse you start out with. 'Cause, apparently, he was just lent to you. I never really thought of it that way. I just thought that Rocksoul was always mine. Well, now he is!!!

Fourth thing, was a new feature where you can change your horse's name. I was thinking that if maybe you wanted on of your new horses to have the name as you first horse than you can easily change your first horses name. But it's too expensive anyway, so I wouldn't even bother with it.

Most of us have our fingers crossed that next weeks update will include second horses!!!! But all we can do it hope.

1 comment:


    i didn't notice until you pointed it out... o. o

    ~Jasmine Silverlake c:<
