Saturday, March 16, 2013

Update on the switch

For almost two weeks, I've been trying to switch severs. And as of Wednesday, I made it to the North American sever! 

But here's the think; I had to start all over. Yes, that means back to level 0!!! And not only that, I lost all the items in my inventory. But SSO was so kind to reimburse me for EVERYTHING that I bought in star coins. That includes clothes, rides to another village/town, hotels (these are where if you wanna do your quest that are for the next day you can ask one of the stable hands if you can ask to stay over night at one of the stables, but it won't reset races or dailies, once you've done those, you'll have to wait till the next day), tack, and food for my horse. Anything that I bought with star coins, I was given back. Even if I sold a jacket or saddle that I bought with star coins! I would have been happy with being reimburse with the star coins I bought with my own money and the ones I already had in my account, which was a total of 5607. But nope, SSO gave me a 130052!!!!!!! I guess you can say I'm the richest star rider in SSO history! 

Since I did have to start over, I got to recreate my character and my horse. Of course I kept Rocksoul's name but I decided to give him a new do! When I first created Rock, I wanted him to look like my horse in real life but...............failed at it. While creating him, I could only view the horse from the knees up and it had white leg wraps on. So, I didn't see that I choose a bay body. Opps.

NAILED IT!!!!!!!
But, I decided that Rocksoul's name better suited a bay. So, Rock is now a bay!

I think Rock's new nickname will be, RJ, for Rocksoul Junior!!!!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunny Sunday interview with Emma Greenfall!

Hello everyone!
This week we interviewed Emma Greenfall. Emma is Lifetime Star Rider on Swedish server. Currently she is not a member of any club, so if you play on Swedish server and have noteworthy club, you definitely should think about inviting her.
"Weird, Unicorn, Potato" 3 words that Emma uses to describe herself.
In our opinion, she has really good sense of humour and nice character - always helpful, especially with Sims. Did y'all know that she is awesome at making houses, stables and horses on Sims? Well, now you know! Everyone really should check out her work! 

1. How long have you been playing SSO?
I dont know for sure, but sometime when the bunny race came out.

2. Where did you get to know about Star Stable and when?
I saw it on an ad in a swedish magazine with a offer for 10 days of free starrider, so I went on the website, but couldn't play in a couple of months, because SSO isn't available for macbooks and I didn't have a windows computer.

3. What was your first impression of SS?
Well, I logged in for the first time in the middle of the night, so I thought it was always night in the game...But I loved the game from the start and thought the graphics were amazing!

4. Do you like playing SSO and how often do you play?
I LOVE playing SSO and try playing it every day, but when I can't my friend Bambi Queenfall helps me with taking care of Snow.

5. How did you choose your horse's color?
I've always loved American Paint horses and wanted to have a Paint coat, so it was quite easy for me to choose Snow's coat.

6. Why would you recommend becoming a SR?
Because it's so worth it! If you aren't a Star Rider, you'll miss so much awesome things and won't get to see all the wonderful places in the game.

7. If you could, would you make any changes to SSO and if so, what would you change?
I wouldn't change a thing. I love the game and it's storyline!

8. What are your favorite things to do on SSO?
Scream at trees in Valedale when I'm bored (seriously) and hang out with my lovely friend Bambi Queenfall.

Emma in her favourite outfit.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Hint hint! Owning more horses coming soon!

I don't know if most of you read a interview between SSO and some gaming company thing. But SSO said that in early 2013, we will be able to have more than one horse and Jorvik Stables and Dino Valley will be coming soon. Well, this week's update relieved some interesting things; owning more than one horse is coming sooner than we all thought. And there are some things to prove it.

The first major thing everyone notice was a stable at Marley's Farm. Marley's has never had a stable there. Just a jumping arena, barrel racing arena, a shop, and couple buildings for decorations. This stable looks different from the regular home stables. It's roof doesn't really extend out like the rest. And even more interesting, I found one in/near each village, except Moorland. The also all looked the same. We believe that at these stables is where horses will be sold.

Second thing everyone noticed was a thingy that appeared above your horses head while you were mounted off. It just shows the horse's level and XP, its needs (food, water, hoof picking, or grooming), and how happy it is (the smiley face). I'm not too wild about it. Honestly, I think it's ugly. But from what SSO said, they are just trying out small things like this in preparation for owning more horses.

The third thing was that you were able to buy the horse you start out with. 'Cause, apparently, he was just lent to you. I never really thought of it that way. I just thought that Rocksoul was always mine. Well, now he is!!!

Fourth thing, was a new feature where you can change your horse's name. I was thinking that if maybe you wanted on of your new horses to have the name as you first horse than you can easily change your first horses name. But it's too expensive anyway, so I wouldn't even bother with it.

Most of us have our fingers crossed that next weeks update will include second horses!!!! But all we can do it hope.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Final Goodbye

This hurts my heart to say this but I have decided that I will be moving severs. I have been in the West European sever for awhile now (since it came out) and considering where I live, it would be better for me to move to the North American sever. 

Back when I first started playing back in June, I was put in the one of the only English severs there was. The North American sever didn't even open up yet and for the longest time I thought I was put in there by mistake. I have made so many friends but it's time for a change.

I'll miss everyone in the WE sever. I have had so many fun times with y'all it's not even funny......I'm serious, it's not. But y'all know, especially my clubbies, that I WILL be making another account on the WE sever just so I can hang with all y'all. So, this isn't really a final goodbye, it's just a.....Goodbye Nicole's original account and hello her other one. Haha.

I have to say that Jorvik Hunters is the best club I have ever owned! It's not what I set out for it to be. I wanted this club to be the biggest and best. I wanted people to want to be in this club. But, what I got was completely different. I got a small, close-knitted club, that I'm very proud of! I love everyone in it and they are like family to me. Even though, I will be moving, Jorvik Hunters will still keep going. Nikki and Kara Skyburg came up with the idea that I request that the owner of the club will be changed to Nikki or Kara once I have been moved. And if SSO can't do that then Francesca Snowlord (Snowy) will created another club with the same name. It makes me so happy that they want the club to keep going.

Even though I won't be completely leaving, I want to thank everyone for the memories they have given. I can't wait to meet everyone in the NA sever when I get there!!!

Thanks for the memories everyone!!!! <3

Sunday Interview with Kailey Underlake

This week we talk with Kailey Unerlake in the North American sever. She is part of the Equestrian Feathers club and she is loving it. She has a lot of friends on SSO, some close, most not. People tell her that she is funny but she doesn't really see how to be honest. She also says that SSO is probably the best only horse game out there.

1. How long have you been playing SSO?
I've been playing SSO for 10 months, 9 as a star ride.

2. How did you choose your horse's color?
I actually wanted to model my horse after my horse in RL, Cody, but he's black and they didn't have black horses. I'd always loved paints, and my Aunt used to have a paint that had to be put down, so I modeled Ember after my Aunt's old horse, Ringo.

3. Do you like playing SSO? 
Yes! I love SSO. Like I said, in my opinion it's the best online horse game out there. I honestly think I play it too much, but in reality, who's it hurting?

4. How often do you play?
I play everyday, if I'm not on, I'm probably spending the day with Cody.

5. Is it worth becoming a SR and why?
Totally, there's so much more to do as an SR, jumping, updates every Wednesday, more races, make clubs, more tack, clothes, way more places to explore. It's worth every last penny!

6. If you could, would you make any changes to SSO and if so what?
I wouldn't make an necessary changes, but I'd add to the game. Things like multiple horses, different breeds, I actually think it would be cool if we could hook our horses to a cart and have them pull us. The one thing I would change would have to be letting our horses actually swim, rather then step off sand and drown.

7. Who are your best friends on SSO? 
I don't really want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I'm going to say Gwendolyn Winterburg and Juliette Darklove for sure.

8. What is your favorite thing to do on SSO?
This is gonna sound mean, but I quiet enjoy running through Moorland and Fort Pinta and jumping over the non-star riders. It's fun to see how they react. That and quests, and hanging out with the club.

Kailey in her favorite outfit