Andrea Skyborn is a Star Rider on East European server.
She is level 13, Night Circus member, playing for a pretty long time, so
she's definitely seen around!
"I'm real horse lover, posters of horses are everywhere in our flat and some people say i'm really crazy of horses!:D I've been riding for 5 or 6 years. But i've loved horses since ever! I think I'm confident person with sense of humor. I'm not mean and I don't like nasty people. My favourite colour is pink/purple which is also in my hair (stripes). I like pop music, movies, singing, drawing, sport. I'm creative and most of my free time I spend on internet or with my friends." That's how she describes herself and I totally agree that she's very friendly and always helpful!
1. How long have you been playing SSO?
I belong to the players who started to play Star Stable just few days after they opened it for Europe. I remember that i wasn't at home (actually on holiday vacation) on the opening day so i was able to one or two days later. But i was waiting for it over one year. I registred one and half year ago (i guess, not sure) and i was checking the official page really often, looking for some imformation about releasing. After more than one year of waiting they finally realeased it- I was so happy!
2. How did you choose your horse's color?
I love white colour, actually, I love unicorns who are pure white, my favourite horse from a movie is Maximus (from Tagnled) and white is a colour of good and I think I am good. Plus I was riding a white horse last year in real I guess that's why I chose this colour.
3. Do you like playing SSO and is it as good as you thought that it'll be?
I love playing Star Stable Online! It's much better than I thought it'll be. I'd never imagine that it's going to have some kind of storyline. And great storyline it is, I have to say. Joining idea of Star Stable and Starshine Legacy is genius especially this way, because it's online which means it's kind of real/'s amazing! I love the scenery and all those cartoon characters including horses which they brought to 3D. I also found there some great friends and interesting people. It's perfect way for horse lovers how to relax, I like the music also, because it's so lovely. It is hard to describe how amazing and awesome Star Stable is! :)
4. How often do you play?
Depends on my mood. Sometimes I feel like I must play all the time. Especially in times of new updates! That means I play before I go to school and after school until the evening. But in the time of tests and exams I can't play so often, because school is important [although I hate it...:D]. I can't neglect it. Avarege is 4 hours a day, I would say.
5. When did you become a Star Rider for the first time? Why?
I became SR right when they made paying via phone available! Because I wanted the membership sooo bad and I also didn't own any credit card and paying via pay pal or internet is not easy for me.:D So I'm glad they created this option.
Why? Because I wanted to explore. I was riding near the walls all the time wondering: "Aww, what does it look like there? I wish I could know." And also the quests and improving my riding skills.
6. So you recomend SR for everyone?
Yes, absolutely. At least for those who are a little bit interested in playing this game, because after once they become SR, it's much better, the storyline begins, and, I think, that most of them would like to get the membership again after it ends.
7. If you could, would you make any changes to SSO and if so, what would you change?
If I could make some changes in SSO it would be only details, because I love the game they way it is, the winter I didn't like those green places without a snow it looked like it was something between winter and spring. I would make the quests repeat-able. So we could do any quest we'd choose again. I would be grateful if they'd make more new areas. The storyline is very good, but I would add the rest of Starshine characters - Lisa, Anne, Concorde, Meteor, Starhine, Buck, Katja etc.. Oh, and there could appear also Garnok!
8. What is your favorite thing to do on SSO?
There are more than one thing: doing the storyline quests, chatting and riding with friends, discovering new areas (if there are some to discover), racing.
And PICNICS! I love picincs.

Andrea in her favourite outfit.